
Over the course of their life, many people develop mental problems that they struggle to solve without external help.

In psychotherapy, I want to help you develop a better understanding of the inner workings of your psyche.

To that end, I apply current, scientifically proven methods, especially from the "third wave" of behavioural therapy. I adapt the therapeutic process to your needs and the ressources available to you. The main predictor of a successful therapy is your motivation for active behavioral change.

Possible goals of psychotherapy may be developing a healthy approach to difficult emotions and working on problematic self-images and identity-related insecurities. Mindfulness training may help you to get into contact with the present moment more directly to engage in effective action. That way, you may get to live a life more closely in service of your individual values and achieve your goals.

Therapy sessions may be held in person or online. For online sessions, I use a certified (by KBV) video conference service.

therapy room practice for psychotherapy and counseling Dominik Dötsch Wiesbaden
details therapy room practice for psychotherapy and counseling Dominik Dötsch Wiesbaden

Clinical Disorders

  • affective disorders (episodic and chronic depression,  bipolar disorders)
  • phobias, panic attacks, generalized anxiety
  • obsessive-compulsive disorders
  • personality disorders
  • somatoform disorders (somatic symptoms affected by psychic factors)
  • chronic pain disorders
  • sleeping disorders
  • sexual dysfunctions
  • gender dysphoria
  • Substance related and behavioral dependence
  • eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder)
  • adjustment disorders and acute stress reactions to life events
  • posttraumatic stress disorder

Time Frame

In the first couple of sessions, I will get to know you and your personal history and form a clinical diagnosis based on your symptoms.

If a disorder requiring a psychtherapeutic treatment is found and we have formed a stable and trusting relationship, therapy sessions are initially held weekly. Towards the end of the treatment, sessions may be spread out to wider intervals.

Depending on the problem at hand, treatment may typically take from 12 up to 40 sessions, in rare occasions up to 60 sessions. Over the course of our sessions, I will continuously monitor the effectiveness and prognosis of the therapeutic process and adapt it if the need arrises. Finally, to prevent relapses, we may agree to switch to booster sessions every couple of weeks or months at the end of therapy. 


You may cover the cost of treatment via private health insurance or pay for it yourself. Costs are based on Gebührenordnung für Psychotherapeuten (GOP). Please refer to your health insurance to find out what is covered by your contract.

If you are legally insured, your insurance does not cover my treatment cost. However, if you can prove that you cannot find a therapist who has a contract with the legal insurers (Kassenzulassung), a reimbursement procedure (Kostenerstattungsverfahren) may be an option for you. Please refer to your insurance to find out about requirements for such a process before starting therapy with me.


You may benefit from psychological counseling even without a clinical disorder that would require psychotherapeutic treatment. For example, changing conditions at work and conflicts in private relationships may require behavioral and cognitive adaptations.

During counseling sessions, we assess your challenges together in a neutral and trusting environment to reevaluate them and to generate solutions.

To that end, I adapt modern behavioral methods and apply knowledge from psychological, cognitive and neuroscientific basic research to help you reach your individual goals by activating the ressources available to you.

Counseling may be conducted in a single or couple setting, in person or online.

For online sessions, I use a certified (by KBV) video conference service.

artpiece "Man in Log" practice for psychotherapy and counseling Dominik Dötsch Wiesbaden

Time Frame

The number and frequency of counseling sessions depends on the scope of the challenge at hand. Some may be solved in only a few sessions, while others will require multiple readjustments of the behavioral changes you apply to your life.

Couples counseling sessions should initially occur regularly on a weekly or biweekly basis.


Single and couples counseling are not covered by private and legal health insurances. Counseling sessions are paid for by the clients themselves and cost 200 € per session (50 minutes).

Get in touch

You can use this form to reach out to me if you are interested in English language psychotherapy or counseling. I will use your data only to contact you via the entered e-mail address to make an initial appointment.